History image


At Urchfont, we teach History through a themed approach to learning. Children learn about how people lived in the past both in Britain and the wider world.  We begin developing the children’s sense of time by relating their programmes of study the child’s recent past. As they progress through the school they develop their understanding of chronology, key events from the past, significant periods of history and skills in research. 

They learn to research specific periods and question evidence, explain their point of view and reach conclusions.  They learn how the past influences the present and develop their knowledge of significant people and past events.  Role play helps children to explore what it was like to have lived during different periods in history while trips to museums and places of interest gives the children access to primary sources of evidence.

We believe it is important to realise how people who lived in the past have a significant influence on how we live now and also that we can learn how to live now from events that have happened in the past.

Please click on the link to view the Intent of the Curriculum we teach.

Intent of our Teaching and Learning of History

Please click on the link to view how what we teach in History is developed through the school.

Whole School Coverage in History

Please click on the links below to read about our History Curriculum in each year group.

Year 1 History Curriculum

Year 2 History Curriculum

Year3 History Curriculum

Year 4 History Curriculum

Year 5 History Curriculum

Year 6 History Curriculum