Dear Robins parents,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed spending time with family and friends.
This term our theme is ‘What is it like to live in the Polar Regions?’. We will be exploring what it is like to live in the Arctic and Antarctic. We will learn about the different animals that live in the North & South Poles, geographical features of each place, Inuits and similarities and differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic. Please see our theme plan for information.
If you have any storybooks or non-fiction texts about the Polar Regions, please could we borrow them? We promise to take good care of them.
PE days this term will be on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Herring and a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items of clothing are clearly labelled. If your child doesn’t currently have any jogging bottoms/leggings please could you ensure they have something warm to wear for their outdoor PE lesson?
As always, we welcome parent helpers who are willing to come in each week to listen to children read, or help in any other way. Please contact me (Mrs Underwood) if this is something you would like to do. Many thanks to all the volunteers that currently help in Robins.
Many thanks
Mrs Underwood