Religious Education (RE)RE image

The school follows  Understanding Christianity and the Emmanuel Project resources as the core of our Scheme of Work.  In addition to Christianity the children also study Judaism, Islam and Sikhism.  Because of our mixed aged classes, we have devised a rolling programme of units of work which allows the children to experience a full RE curriculum with a blend of Christianity and other world religions. Christianity underpins our RE curriculum.

Through our religious education curriculum, we aim to give children knowledge and understanding of how these religions influence individuals, communities and society in our world.  Discussion is encouraged and respect for different cultures and beliefs actively promoted. The children are asked to consider “big” questions and are encouraged to think for themselves, consider others point of view and draw conclusions to these questions. As a Church of England voluntary controlled school, we explore concepts such as The Trinity and Communion and often seek the support of our vicar to explain such concepts to the children. The children visit the local church at key times of the year but also when concepts such as communion are being explored.

Parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE/collective worship provided.

Please click on the link below to view our teaching and learning of RE at Urchfont.

Intent & Implementation of our RE

Please click on the link to view what is being taught this year. This will show how RE themes are developed through the school.

RE Whole School Long Term Plan 2023

This overview is based on the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus and the expectations on what is taught in different year groups.