Science Image


Science is a core national curriculum subject and is taught across the school from Reception to Year 6. We follow the programmes of study recommended by the national government but have recently reviewed our core offer to our children and established a rolling programme which allows scientific themes to be visited on a more regular basis.

In Science we aim to develop children’s natural curiosity and excitement. Through our curriculum we give them first hand opportunities to explore the world around them and develop scientific skills: questioning, observing, predicting, hypothesising, evaluating and fair testing. Emphasis is put on practical work and making sense of what has been found out.

A strong emphasis is placed on the knowledge that is required to be taught that allows pupils to carry out investigations successfully. Our children are taught the whole practical process from planning and predicting, carrying out the investigations and finally recording and making conclusions. Children really enjoy the practical nature of this subject.

Please click on the link beloe to view our Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Teaching and Learning of Science at our school.

Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Teaching and Learning of Science

Please click on the link below to view our whole school coverage in Science. This will show how Science themes develops through the school.

Whole School Coverage in Science

Please click on the link below to see what we teach in each year group.

Year 1 Science Curriculum

Year 2 Science Curriculum

Year 3 Science Curriculum

Year 4 Science Curriculum

Year 5 Science Curriculum

Year 6 Science Curriculum