COmputing picture Computing

Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become a key skill in our rapidly changing world.  At Urchfont, we teach both specific computer skills which are used to support learning in all areas of the curriculum as well as Computing.  All classes have access to laptops and iPads in their rooms.  In addition to these, all classes have regular access to the ICT suite which contains a class set of identical laptops which can be used throughout the day, regardless of what lesson is being taught.  Children are taught safe use of the internet and children are protected through a security system which prevents access to inappropriate sites.  Alongside computer work children are also taught to use programmable robots, digital still and video cameras and tape recorders.  These are then used appropriately to record and demonstrate learning across the curriculum.

Additionally, we use Computing to enhance the learning in our themed approach and our overall aim is to develop children's confidence to use their knowledge, skills and understanding of IT throughout the curriculum while preparing them for a technological world.

Please click on this link to view our Intent of the Computing curriculum we teach.

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Computing

Please click on the link below to view our Whole School Coverage. This will show how areas of Computing are developed through the school.

Whole School Computing Coverage

 Please click on the link below to see what we teach in each year group

Year 1 Computing Curriculum

Year 2 Computing Curriculum

Year 3 Computing Curriculum

Year 4 Computing Curriculum

Year 5 Computing Curriculum

Year 6 Computing Curriculum