

Dear Owls,

Welcome to Term 5, the first of our two summer terms. We do hope that you had a lovely Easter holiday and that you are feeling refreshed and ready to start work.

This term, Year 6s will be sitting their SATs tests. These are tests that Year 6 children in schools across the country will be taking. They will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week beginning Monday  13th May, 2024. Please don’t worry about these tests, you are well prepared for them, but do make sure that you have a filling breakfast each morning and a good sleep.

We will continue our World War 1 theme this term by looking at the dangerous life of a soldier in the trenches. In Science, we will be making our own switches to make an electrical circuit switch on and off.

P.E. will take place on a Monday.  Please come to school in your P.E. kit on this day. You will have two P.E. sessions, one in the morning and one in an afternoon.

You will continue to have weekly spellings to learn. Tests will be on a Monday, except for Bank Holidays when the tests will be on a Tuesday. You will be given the spellings to learn each week along with a plan for learning them over the course of the week. Please return this spelling plan on a Monday. You will have weekly Maths Homework.

Later on in the term Year 6, will be given a scrapbook project to do. This replaces your weekly SPaG/comprehension work. You will need to use your SPaG and writing skills though to complete the project work set. Details of this project will be given to you in Week 5 of this term. Year 5 will have a WW1  project to complete for homework, that will be due in at the end of the term.

After SATs, we will be auditioning for our end of year performance.

We are looking forward to seeing you all,

Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Lamont and Mrs. Marshall

Owls Topic Map T5